Naio Technologies organizes the largest student robotics challenge in outdoor environment and professional conditions.

Download the poster here and post it in your school
– 3 large challenges–
Make Oz travel as fast as possible and as accurately as possible through all the plots in the simulator.
Make Oz hoe as fast as possible and as accurately as possible, through agricultural parcels. In real conditions in real fields.
Free run
Use your imagination and surprise the jury with an original robot application of Oz. You will have a field of at least 100 m2 to evolve and interact with Oz. This run can be followed by a brief technical and economic study of potential business.
– Available to students –
Throughout the year :
The official Oz simulator. You can have access to low levels control of Oz robot (sensors and actuators), to develop your software in realistic environment maps and develop the best possible guidance algorithm.
The day of the contest:
Oz, the real robot, made from steel and copper, ready to obey to your control algorithm !
– Regulation / registration / practical information –
For this first edition the number of places is limited to 10 teams register now by sending us the name of your school and your team by e-mail
(Get the rules, the official simulator and practical information related to the event.)
Download the poster here and post it in your school
Have fun and let us dream the D day!